Terms and conditions

Event Rules

Under the jurisdiction of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) and the watchful eye of a Commissioner of the World Sailing Speed Record Council*, the Challengers will sail over a 500-meter distance, during which the average speed is determined.

The speeds are measured with high precision by two cameras placed on the start and finish lines of the run, and computer monitored. The system is installed, maintained and monitored by Highspeed-timing.com, which system is approved by the WSSRC for the matter. A display at the end of the run that shows instantly when the riders pass the finish line, his average speed and his ranking.

All recorded results are later verified and adjusted, and submitted to the validation of the WSSRC commissioner, Michael Ellison.

* The WSSRC was established by the ISAF in 1972. The object was to provide impartial results for increasing numbers of claims to high speed sailing craft (on water: never on ice nor land!).

WSSRC - World Sailing Speed Record Council

The Lüderitz Speed Challenge is an official Speed Record Chase for Windsurfers and Kitesurfer approved by the:

WSSRC – World Sailing Speed Record Council