Channel newsHistory 2017 Zara Davis World Record 46.49knots August 20, 2018 Zara Davis (born 13 July 1966 in Bristol, England) is an English windsurfer. She holds the outright World Women’s Nautical Mile speed record for...
History 2017 Why are they so fast August 20, 2018 Why are they so fast??? A little overview of some fast Slalom Riders – Antoine Albeau, Björn Dunkerbeck…...
History 2014 2014 Closing Ceremony August 16, 2018 We are very happy to celebrate the great performances the 2014 riders have reached in WEEK 3 despite difficult sailing conditions; with 1 week...
History 2014 Day 8 – 5 National Records October 30, 2014 2014 CHRIS BENZ LÜDERITZ WORLD RECORD CHASE 200 runs have been made today! Today was the TOP performance day of the 2014 event with...
History 2014 Day 7 – Rough Conditions! October 24, 2014 Today, 24 October 2014, the wind was as strong as expected but the conditions have been difficult to control. The training of yesterday (23.10.14)...