Day 6 – New World Record for Antoine Albeau


Today Antoine Albeau, after having smashed the 50 knots barrier several times reached 51 knots twice, ending with the best performance of the day and registering a New World Record in Windsurfing: 51.69 knots

Anders Bringdal, our Swedish representative was battling with Antoine a long time over the 50 knots. Both of them reached 51.34 knots at the same time! He improved the Swedish record as well as the World Record on production boards with 51.34 knots.

Patrik Diethelm

Patrick Diethelm who kept the pace these past few days also broke the 50 knots barrier, finishing with the New Swiss Record: 50.49 knots.

Jurjen van der Noord

Jurjen Van der Noord, who opened the day, joined the 50 knots club reaching 50.41 knots

Cédric Bordes reached 50.17 knots after being close to it for the 1st part of the day.

Farrel O’Shea improved his British Record today with 48.82 knots.

Mark Grinnell from South Africa and Matthias Rottcher from Namibia were still fighting for the African Record in Windsurfing, improving both of their National Records in the discipline:
Mark: 48.86 / Matthias: 47.34

Zara Davis

Zara Davis from the United Kingdom, who is the actual Female World Record Holder in Windsurfing was followed by Lena Erdil from Turkey improving together: Zara: 45.83 / Lena: 45.74

Christian Bornemann who has broken the German record in Windsurfing is now getting closer to the National Multi-discipline Record (46.26 kts) with 46.18 knots followed by his countryman Dieter Gerichhausen who has also improved his speed today with 44.69 knots.

  • History 2012
    Day 5